RFP EM-034-2024
Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) Corridors: DC Fast Chargers for Electric Vehicles (EVs)
The Efficiency Maine Trust (the Trust) seeks qualified bidders to install and operate DC Fast Chargers (DCFC) for electric vehicles (EVs) along select “Alternative Fuel Corridors” in Maine. This solicitation will use funds dedicated to EV charging infrastructure from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) Discretionary Grant Program through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL).
The target areas particular to this RFP are located along select “Alternative Fuel Corridors” consistent with Maine’s Updated Plan for EV Infrastructure Deployment (Maine’s NEVI Plan) published by the Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT) in July 2023. Bids that propose to serve only one location will be eligible, and bids proposing to serve multiple locations will also be acceptable.
- Notice of Award (PDF)
- Request for Proposals (PDF)
- Responses to Questions as of 8/26/2024 (PDF)
- Attachment A – Project Cost Proposal Form (.xlsx)
- Attachment B – Sample Contract for EV Charging Stations Using CFI Program Funds (Corridors) (.docx)
- Attachment C – Maps of Eligible Route Segments (PDF)
- Attachment D – Utility Load Form – Central Maine Power (.xlsx)
To initiate a cost opinion for new three-phase power in CMP territory:
1. Call the New Service Team at 1-866-225-4200
2. Create an Account unless you will be connecting to an existing meter.
3. Create a Notification for cost opinion with a location.
- Attachment E – Utility Load Form – Versant Power (.xlsx)
- Can submit via email to loadsheet@versantpower.com.
- Attachment F – W-9 (PDF)
- Form FHWA-1273 (PDF)
Additional Materials
- Host Site Interest Form – CFI DCFC: Online form for property owners/lessees to indicate interest in hosting chargers
- Interested Host Sites (PDF)
- List of EV Charging Service Providers (PDF): List of DC fast charger suppliers and installers
- Maine Accessible EV Charging Guide and Checklists: Guide to locating and installing accessible and usable AC Level 2 and Level 3 electric vehicle chargers for public use.
Informational Webinars
- Bidders’ Informational Webinar: July 16, 2024 from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. – Click here for presentation slides