RFP EM-003-2016
RFP EM-003-2016 – Request for Proposals for Heat Pump Water Heater Demonstration Pilots
Efficiency Maine Trust seeks one or more qualified bidders or teams of bidders for heat pump water heater demonstration pilots that utilize cost-effective uses for heat pump water heaters in either of the following categories:
1.) Residential heat pump water heater pilots that demonstrate the ability and benefits of two-way communications to remotely adjust the operations of heat pump water heaters for the purposes of demand response, time-of-use billing, thermal storage, or another similar concept.
2.) Commercial heat pump water heater pilots that demonstrate cost-effective energy savings from the use of heat pump water heaters in a commercial setting for primary heating or preheating of domestic and process water.
These pilots are designed to provide financial support for cost-effective and innovative uses of heat pump water heaters outside the Trust’s current program offerings but may become viable as future measures. The pilots will fall under the Trust’s Innovation Program.
Request for Proposal (Updated) (pdf)
Attachment A – Cover Sheet and Team Commitment Form (Updated) (Word)
Attachment B (Word)
Attachment C (Excel)
Questions and Responses (Word)
Notice of Award (pdf)
For more information call 1-866-376-2463 or email james.leyko@efficiencymaine.com.