Inflation Reduction Act Home Energy Rebates Program
Maine has been allocated nearly $72 million in federal funding to support residential energy efficiency and electrification incentives. This funding is available under two distinct programs managed by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and funded by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Home Energy Rebates program: the Home Efficiency Rebates (HER) and Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates (HEAR). Under the federal IRA law, each state is given the discretion to design its own rebate program reflecting the needs and strategic priorities of the state, consistent with the IRA rules and requirements.
Maine’s plans for the use of these funds are described below.
Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates (HEAR)
Budget: $35.7 million
Maine’s HEAR program will prioritize electrification of space heating by providing rebates for efficient heat pump systems in two categories of buildings occupied by income-eligible households: 1) new construction of affordable multifamily housing and 2) single-family manufactured (mobile) homes.
Status: Active. See current offerings below.
Click on the links below for additional detail on each active initiative, including program eligibility requirements and application instructions.
1. Initiative for Electrification in New Affordable Multifamily Housing
2. Manufactured (Mobile) Home Initiative
HEAR Program Implementation Plans
Maine’s application for HEAR program funds included a number of supplementary implementation plans. DOE requires that Maine make the following implementation plans available to the public. Click the links below to view the documents.
Home Efficiency Rebates (HER)
Budget: $35.9 million
Maine’s HER program will provide rebates for efficiency upgrades in existing multifamily buildings that achieve a minimum of 35% energy savings. Though this program is technology-neutral, it will emphasize heating system retrofits that replace fossil fuel systems with heat pump technologies. Enhanced incentives will be available for projects in buildings serving low-income households.
Status: Application submitted and under review by DOE. Expected launch late fall 2024.