Ducted Heat Pump Rebates for Manufactured Homes
Over 100,000 heat pumps have been installed in Maine and they are now more common than oil heat in new homes (source: 2021 Maine New Construction Baseline Assessment). They are the most popular heating system across all of Efficiency Maine’s rebates because they offer highly efficient heating, air conditioning, and dehumidification.
Participants will be provided with a manufactured home heat pump loan to afford the cost of the project. Participants will purchase the equipment either with:
- one up-front payment of $2000, or;
- 50 monthly payments of $50.
Additionally, Efficiency Maine will fully warranty the working operation of the heat pump during the loan period of 50 months.
Heat Pump
- A whole-home heat pump that uses the home’s existing ductwork will be installed
- Homeowner or homeowner’s household member must be a recipient of MaineCare, HEAP, SNAP, or TANF, or qualify based on Adjusted Gross Income
- Homeowner must have homeowners insurance
- Homeowner must agree to remove existing fossil fuel heating
- Single-wide manufactured/mobile home that is located on the designated town list
- Homeowner’s principal, year-round residence
- Heated throughout heating season
- Home must be presently heated entirely by kerosene or propane
- Home must not be presently heated by natural gas
- Home must not have an existing heat pump
- A registered heat pump installer will be chosen by the homeowner
How to Get a Rebate
- Fill out Income-Based Eligibility Verification Form to determine eligibility (household must be low-income or qualify based on Adjusted Gross Income).
- If pre-approved, fill out this survey and answer a few basic screening questions about your single-wide home.
- An installer will reach out and schedule an in-person inspection.
- If your home meets all of the requirements, we will sign you up for a payment plan.
- Your heat pump unit is installed.
- Your payment plan starts six months after the heat pump unit is installed.
Resources for Homeowners:
- Heating Oil Storage Tank FAQs: Information provided by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) regarding the removal of oil storage tanks.
- MaineHousing Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) Contacts: Are you enrolled in HEAP and recently switched your source of heating to electric? If so, please call your local community action agency to confirm that your benefits have been switched.
Resources for Installers:
- Qualified Products List (QPL): A list of qualified heat pump systems that have been approved by Efficiency Maine for this program.
Terms and Conditions
Only one rebate will be paid for any given upgrade. Program and incentives subject to change or termination. Efficiency Maine reserves the right to verify installation and perform an inspection.