Versant Power Home Heating Eco Rate for Bangor Hydro District (BHD)
Homes using heat pumps for 50% or more of their winter space heating may benefit from a different electric rate.
Click here to check your eligibility for Versant’s A-20 Heat rate.
Input your home’s monthly kWh usage below and click the “Calculate” button. Average electric usage of at least 787 kWh/month from October to April will constitute annual bill savings under Rate A-20. The average home in the Bangor area that is heating with one Tier 2 Heat Pump uses 1,218 kWh per month during the heating season.
Compare your current electric bill costs (Rate A) against potential electric bill costs under the optional heat rate (Rate A-20).
Call Versant’s Customer Contact Center at 855-363-7211 if you believe you may benefit from the optional heat rate.
Calculate Your Potential Savings
Heating Season: October through April
Non-heating Season: May through September