Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Systems

Variable refrigerant flow systems can simultaneously heat and cool different parts of a building. These systems can be very efficient because they can take waste heat captured in one part of the building (e.g., a server room, or the face of the building exposed to the sun) and deliver it to spaces requiring heat. Because they rely on a different distribution network than is present in most existing buildings, variable refrigerant flow systems are most often installed in new buildings or as part of large renovation projects. Click here or read below for more details on incentives for variable refrigerant flow systems.

If you’re interested in learning about the difference between VRF systems and heat pumps, click here


  • Single-Phase $9.00/sq. ft. retrofit; $4.00/sq. ft. new construction
  • With heat recovery $13.00/sq. ft. retrofit; $7.00/sq. ft. new construction
  • Without heat recovery $111.00/sq. ft. retrofit; $5.00/sq. ft. new construction

VFR Illustration

VRF Common Applications

(without heat recovery)


VRF Common Applications

(with heat recovery)

Learn More

Efficiency Maine recently hosted an informative panel discussion on VRF solutions during the IAQ & Energy 2020 conference. The panel provided an overview of the kinds of buildings and situations where VRFs are appropriate, costs and benefits of VRF systems, and things to consider when choosing between VRF and other systems like a multi-zone high-performance heat pump. The session included highlights from a recent study of economic opportunities for VRF systems which finds that in the right situation, VRFs can cost-effectively provide heating and cooling for Maine’s businesses and institutions. Click on the presentation below to learn more about how VRFs can simultaneously heat and cool different parts of a commercial building.

Visit our IAQ & Energy 2020 web page to explore and link to other sessions that might interest you:

High Performance Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Solutions

Click on each video to learn more about available VRF solutions.




VRF Systems and Incentive Details

Single-Phase VRF Air-Cooled Heat Pump without Heat Recovery

System Capacity (Btu/h)Criteria*Replacement of Existing
Operating Equipment
Maximum Incentive ($/Sq Ft)**
New Construction or Building
Renovations Maximum
Incentive ($/Sq Ft)
< 65,000≥ 10 HSPF or 9 HSPF2$9.00$4.00

VRF Air-Cooled Heat Pump without Heat Recovery

System Capacity (Btu/h)Criteria*Replacement of Existing
Operating Equipment
Maximum Incentive ($/Sq Ft)**
New Construction or Building
Renovations Maximum
Incentive ($/Sq Ft)
≥ 65,000 and < 135,000≥ 2.25 COP$11.00$5.00
≥ 135,000 and < 240,000≥ 2.1 COP$11.00$5.00
≥ 240,000≥ 2.05 COP$11.00$5.00

VRF Air-Cooled Heat Pump with Heat Recovery

System Capacity (Btu/h)Criteria*Replacement of Existing
Operating Equipment
Maximum Incentive ($/Sq Ft)**
New Construction or Building
Renovations Maximum
Incentive ($/Sq Ft)
≥ 65,000 and < 135,000≥ 2.25 COP$13.00$7.00
≥ 135,000 and < 240,000≥ 2.1 COP$13.00$7.00
≥ 240,000≥ 2.05 COP$13.00$7.00

* COP is Coefficient of Performance. HSPF is Heating Seasonal Performance Factor.
** Existing facilities that heat with natural gas are not eligible for VRF incentives.

Get Started

Find a Qualified Partner
Work with an Efficiency Maine Qualified Partner to install high-efficiency cooling solutions. Click here to find a Qualified Partner working near you. As part of the project approval process, you will accept the C&I Prescriptive Program’s Terms and Conditions.

If you work with a contractor that is not yet a Qualified Partner, urge your contractor to find out more information here.

Don’t see your cooling project listed here? Contact Efficiency Maine at 866-376-2463 or click here to learn more about custom efficiency incentives.