Custom Distributed Generation Projects
Maine businesses, nonprofits, institutions and governments are eligible for funding for distributed generation projects through Efficiency Maine’s Commercial and Industrial (C&I) Custom Program. Distributed generation projects are behind-the-meter generation projects that reduce the consumption of grid-supplied electricity and meet Efficiency Maine’s cost-benefit analysis.
Combined heat & power (CHP) projects are the most common type of distributed generation project completed through the C&I Custom Program. For a list of previously awarded custom projects, click here.
Eligible Projects
- A distributed generation project that reduces on-site electricity consumption from the grid.
- A distributed generation project must have an operating efficiency of 60% or greater.
- The project must result in kWh reductions of at least 36,000 kWh annually
- The project also must include a meter dedicated to providing 15-minute interval energy data to Efficiency Maine.
Ineligible Projects
- Projects that have a benefit-to-cost ratio less than 1, as per Efficiency Maine’s benefit-cost test.
- Projects that have a simple payback under one year (after factoring in the Efficiency Maine incentive).
- Projects that export electricity to the grid (net metering) or to other customers.
- Projects for which the customer (or its affiliate) has made binding commitments to proceed prior to the official award of funding under this Custom Program.
- Projects for customers that do not have an account with a Maine electric utility.
- Feasibility studies.
- Power quality, power factor, and power conditioning projects.
- Fundraising seed money for projects to be completed and funded subsequently.
Funding Overview:
- Funding levels will range from a minimum of $10,000 to a maximum of $1,000,000 per facility up to 50% of the total project costs.
- Projects of all sizes will require a formal contract with the Efficiency Maine Trust.
- Applicants must provide a minimum 50% cost share for the project.
- Incentive awards are capped based on the magnitude of the validated annual reduction in grid-supplied energy (kWh/year). Incentives will not exceed $0.28 per kWh of validated annual reduction in grid-supplied energy.
- Efficiency Maine will consider new applications until the available program funding is exhausted.
Get Started
- Review the Distributed Generation Project Application Cover Sheet.
- Review the Program Opportunity Notice (project application and guidelines).
- Review the Distributed Generation Technical Analysis Checklist for those projects involving a Technical Assistance (TA) study
- Review the Distributed Generation Project Application Checklist.
- Call 1-866-376-2463 or email for more information.
Efficiency Maine offers free scoping audits to eligible businesses that have the potential to develop a qualifying project under the Custom Program. These scoping audits provide businesses with the opportunity to get a professional consultation on their facility’s specific energy use and identify cost-effective energy efficiency projects that will reduce operating expenses. Click here to find out if you’re eligible for a scoping audit.
Efficiency Maine offers incentives for Technical Assistance Studies to those customers that have already identified a project but need additional outside assistance to move it forward. To apply for a Technical Assistance incentive, click here.