The Maine Chapter of the U.S. Green Building Council will feature weatherization at its next monthly breakfast meeting. Join the Maine USGBC on December 4th for a discussion of greening existing homes, and how groups are leveraging state-wide incentives to engage communities in cooperative weatherization projects. Brooks Winner from the Island Institute will share how Weatherization Weeks are reducing energy costs in high-energy price communities and using the power of community engagement to weatherize up homes on Maine islands; Sue Inches from Habitat for Humanity will discuss how engaging a mix of volunteer and professional labor can weatherize homes; and Dana Fischer from Efficiency Maine will share details of new residential incentives for insulation and heating system projects.
Wednesday December 4th
7:30 to 9:00 a.m.
Maine Audubon, Gilsland Farm Education Center, 20 Gilsland Farm Rd, Falmouth, ME
Register here.