If Your Business Uses Refrigeration Equipment, Efficiency Maine Offers Incentives to Upgrade

Refrigeration often represents a significant portion of an electric bill for businesses, such as restaurants, grocery stores, and convenience stores. Financial incentives for refrigeration controls and energy-efficiency equipment can help these businesses take action, saving money and energy.
If your business uses refrigeration systems, you may be in luck because Efficiency Maine has reintroduced incentives to help with upgrades.
For example, refrigerant controls can significantly reduce the energy load of a refrigeration system. Door heater controls can efficiently cycle glass heaters as needed, while evaporator fan motor controls can be installed to monitor and cycle refrigerant flow. Floating head pressure controls also work to reduce energy usage by helping to monitor and control pressure levels exiting a cooler compressor.
Installing new equipment also can help businesses save money and energy. By installing efficient equipment such as scroll compressors or evaporator fan motors, refrigeration systems can work more efficiently to cool their spaces. Simpler solutions, like strip curtains, can help prevent warm air from entering and cool air from escaping these spaces, as well. Efficiency Maine offers incentives for each of these examples. Check out the chart below for more detail.
Visit our refrigeration web page to learn more or get started on a project. You can also click here to download a list of refrigeration measures and incentives.