Maine Townsman covers EECBG program
The August/September issue of the Maine Townsman, a publication of the Maine Municipal Association, features a story about the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program administered by Efficiency Maine. The article lists several examples of communities that benefitted from lighting, heating, wastewater treatment, and other projects.
From 2009 to 2013, Efficiency Maine administered $9.6 million in federal Recovery Act funds through the Department of Energy to help Maine cities and towns upgrade their energy infrastructure. The goals of the federal program were to reduce total energy use, improve energy efficiency, and reduce fossil fuel emissions.
From Aroostook to York Counties, 125 communities benefitted from these grants. These projects resulted in municipal facilities that were not only more energy efficient, but safer and more comfortable. Sometimes, improved energy efficiency helped reduce maintenance costs and improve processes, resulting in even greater savings.
You can read the Maine Townsman story by clicking here. To watch brief video profiles of a dozen Maine communities that received EECBG grants, click here.
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