RFP EM-004-2016
RFP EM-004-2016 – Request for Proposals for ANNUAL M&V PLAN COMPLIANCE REVIEW FOR ISO-NE FCM
The Efficiency Maine Trust seeks a qualified bidder or team of bidders to perform annual review of the Trust’s compliance with its approved Measurement and Verification Plan for participation in the ISO-NE Forward Capacity Market (FCM).
Request for Proposal (pdf)
Attachment A – Cover Sheet and Team Commitment Form (Updated) (Word)
Attachment B (Word)
Attachment C (Excel)
FCA 5 EMT Sampling Plan (pdf)
FCA 5 Measurement Verification Plan (pdf)
FCA 5 MVPlanExpl (pdf)
FCA 6 EMT Sampling Plan (pdf)
FCA 6 Measurement Verification Plan (pdf)
FCA 6 MVPlanExpl (pdf)
Response to Questions (pdf)
Notice of Award (pdf)
For more information call 1-866-376-2463 or email laura.martel@efficiencymaine.com.