Looking into Home Heating Choices
If you need to replace an aging furnace or boiler, it may be helpful to step back and survey the many options now available for primary and secondary heating. Homeowners have many options for home heating systems and the benefits of making the right choices can last for decades. Choices include fuel type, technology, efficiency and distribution system.
To get a sense of the annual energy costs for different heating systems, check out the Heating Cost Comparison Chart, which estimates annual energy costs using current pricing. For a more customized look at annual heating costs, take a look at Efficiency Maine’s Heating Costs Comparison Tool. This calculator lets you adjust the costs of different fuels and the efficiency of different heating systems to get a better view of annual costs in your situation.
To learn more about each of the heating systems in the comparison tool, simply click on the name to read more about how it works, and its advantages or its disadvantages. Or look at Efficiency Maine’s Quick Guide to Home Heating, which compares the installation costs and features that different heating systems provide.
Once you’ve decided on a heating system, or to learn more, contact a Efficiency Maine Registered Vendor to get started.