Energy Efficiency Featured in Portland Sunday Telegram
“Hundreds of small, scattered energy-saving actions are shaving off so much electricity demand each year that, taken together, they equal the output of a 205-megawatt power plant, grid planners estimate. Over a four-year period, that’s the equivalent output of Maine’s largest power...
READ MOREDiscounted Mini-Split Heat Pump Training at Eastern Maine Community College
Eastern Maine Community College is now offering subsidized Mini-Split Heat Pump training. Businesses may receive up to a 50% discount on the cost of training. The subsidy is available to employees that need training in mini-split heat pump installation and service. The course consists of 60...
READ MOREGrants to Green Program Announced
PORTLAND & ELLSWORTH—The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta has announced the awarding of a $1.2 million grant to the Maine Community Foundation to support replication of its “Grants to Green” program in Maine. The program will help nonprofits increase the energy efficiency...
READ MORELincoln Paper and Tissue Focuses on Energy Efficiency
Lincoln Paper and Tissue is investing in its specialty tissue line with a retrofit of its pulp handling and refining processes and help from a $1 million incentive from Efficiency Maine’s Large Customer Program. Last November, when pulp production at Lincoln Paper and Tissue was interrupted,...
READ MORERebates Spur Record Number of Heat Pump Water Heaters
Since July 1, 2013, a record number of Maine homeowners have installed high-efficiency heat pump water heaters using Efficiency Maine rebates. Nearly 1,500 homeowners have purchased heat pump water heaters through the rebate program compared to 281 prior to July 1. Andy Meyer, Program Manager...